Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Puisi Inggris

"Bad And Good creature"

Bad things must be destoryed
Many humans think that
They don’t understand
If all of they are bad things

Allah don’t make humans perfect
But, if there is one of them
Can understand that he or she are bad creature
He or she is real good creature


"Allah, your majesty"

Allah make nature
Allah save nature
Allah make creatures
Allah save creatures

Allah, You are God
Only Allah is has greatest power
Only Allah is has greatest majesty
But You use all of it
To love Your creatures

I only can say “Subhanallah”
All praise are for You, Allah

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Grand Chase- Pro

Untuk yang pengin pesan logo, hubungi nomor 085649258895 
Di bawah ini contoh karya saya sob
Di atas itu contoh Guild Mark yang saya buat untuk game online Grand Chase Indonesia pada guild saya, tapi GM-nya keburu ganti lambangnya..........

Oya, bagi yang maen game online Grand Chase Indonesia, pengin gabung guild silahkan......
Gratis tis tis...........................